CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 · ZWR - Das Deutsche Zahnärzteblatt 2020; 129(06): 277-283

Review on BioHAP

Hydroxyapatite as a biomimetic active substance for remineralisation of enamel and dentine

Hydroxyapatite (BioHAP) as an active substance in oral care products has been well studied. BioHAP is known to reduce pain-sensitive teeth – probably better than any other known active ingredient – improve the health of gums and inhibit plaque build up on the tooth. 

Since caries is a disease of the teeth where the balance between demineralization and remineralization of the teeth has shifted – demineralization, i.e.(partial) “dissolution” of the teeth by bacterial acids, predominates – toothpastes with remineralizing agents can maintain the healthy condition of the teeth.

This scientific review in German summarizes the studies and mechanisms of BioHAP action with regard to remineralization. It works out, for example, that a study conducted by the Charité Berlin shows that BioHAP remineralizes both dentin and enamel. Numerous other in vitro and in situ studies demonstrate that even deeper layers affected by caries, are remineralized. Scientists and dentists from the USA were also able to show that in cyclic models, i.e. those that even cause net demineralization, BioHAP protects the tooth.  Clinical studies support the effectiveness of BioHAP as an agent for the remineralization of our teeth.

This publication, published in “ZWR – Das Deutsche Zahnärzteblatt”, is a scientific summary of numerous studies on BioHAP and helps to explain to patients how BioHAP works, in an understandable way. 

BioHAP particles interact with the tooth’s HAP.
Fig 1: BioHAP particles interact with the tooth’s HAP.
Magnification shows that BioHAP bonds with the tooth, rather than lying loosely on it.
Fig. 2: Magnification shows that BioHAP bonds with the tooth, rather than lying loosely on it.

Read more information in the study titled "Hydroxylapatit als biomimetischer Wirkstoff für die Remineralisation von Zahnschmelz und Dentin".

Source: Enax, J., Fabritius, H.-O., Amaechi, B. T. & Meyer, F. Hydroxylapatit als biomimetischer Wirkstoff für die Remineralisation von Zahnschmelz und Dentin. ZWR - Das Deutsche Zahnärzteblatt 129, 277-283 (2020).